Monday, November 23, 2009

Why the Libs Hate the Ten Commandments

There are several left leaning groups that are working diligently to remove the Biblical Ten Commandments from the public's view. My side typically argues that the Ten Commandments are the basis for natural law (don't steal or murder come to mind). But the left has a problem with this? While it may be clear why they would object to the first four, I believe I can list their reasons for all ten.

  1. One and only one God – Exodus 20:3 and Deuteronomy 5:7

    Some libs think that there is either no God, or many different gods; but heaven forbid that there be just one Supreme God. To them, only the State is supreme. All hail to the state.

  2. No other God's – Exodus 20:4, 5 and Deuteronomy 5:8,9, 10

    The State is supreme. There are groups of atheists today that believe children need to be inoculated against the virus of religion, especially Christianity. Some believe that the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States should protect us from all public expression of religion. That State is a jealous god, not wanting to share authority with any.

  3. Respect God's name – Exodus 20:7 and Deuteronomy 5:11

    In this day and age? Why should the libs do that?

  4. Honor the Sabbath – Exodus 20:8-11 and Deuteronomy 5:12-15

    The libs want Christians to relegate this to their closets. It's ok to worship but just don't bring it into the workplace or school or any other public place. They cry, "Separation of Church and State." They want the state to protect them from the church and keep it away from them.

  5. Honor authority (Parents first) – Exodus 20:12 and Deuteronomy 5:16

    Their philosophy here is to question authority. The kids can learn everything they need to know in the public schools and the media. They don't want any of that parental propaganda; especially from parents that cling to their guns and Bibles.

  6. No Murder – Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17

    The Bible is clear that society can kill under two conditions; capital punishment or war. Some of the libs believe neither of these are reasons to kill. However, they have no problem with terminating the old that have exceeded their productive life and the young or handicapped that are unwanted or incapable of being productive. It's for the greater good you see.

  7. No Adultery – Exodus 20:14 and Deuteronomy 5:18

    God's word blesses sex between a male husband and his female wife. All other sexual unions are forbidden. There are many people today, not just libs that believe this view is too narrow. They would prefer the instructions on a package of condoms to the instructions in God's Word. No other guidelines are wanted. Look at the entertainment media with its gratuitous sex. And rarely is it between husband and wife; all of the fun of sex but never the responsibility.

  8. No Stealing – Exodus 20:15 and Deuteronomy 5:19

    They agree that individuals should not take other peoples stuff. But the libs believe that the government can and should redistribute wealth. Remember the Marxist mantra, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need". Let us tax the rich to pay for what WE decide is good for everybody.

  9. No False Witness – Exodus 20:16 and Deuteronomy 5:20

    We don't even need to go to the government to see this. The media is so ready to fabricate stories against people that they do not like. One very blatant example is Dan Rather (who would rather be correct then right any day) with his, "The evidence is fake but we know the story is true."

  10. No Coveting – Exodus 20:17 and Deuteronomy 5:21

    This is the basis of the class warfare mentality. Witness the hue and cry when the public hears about the sizes of some of the executive bonuses given in the corporate world. It should not be anybodies business, least of all the governments, what a company decides to pay its employees. Are there crooks in the business world? Yes! But do not tell me that the government has fewer crooks. I won't believe you.

It is clear that they do not want the Ten Commandments; NOT just because they are biblical, but it would cramp their lifestyle.

Depressing but there is good news. Jesus summarized the commandments into two, "Love the Lord your God with all of your soul, heart, mind, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself". This is the standard that God measures us by. How are we doing? How are you doing? While we may strive to meet the standard, we have to be honest and admit that we have failed. God knew we would and that is why He sent Jesus to die on the cross. He did that for us. Jesus is the answer for the standard that we cannot keep.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,

that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

(John 3:16 NKJV)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Time to Privatize the US Postal System

As the Senate gets ready to Socialize our health care system, I was amused to see the following on the CBS news website:

Can the Postal Service be Saved?

I don't know who first made the analogy but it goes something like this:

The federal government would run a health care system with the efficiency of the post office and the compassion of the IRS.

Even President Obama made a joke about the efficiency of our postal system.

I laugh because just before I read the CBS article, I saw this:

How About Some German Efficiency for Canada Post?

It appears that the Socialistic Germans have improved their postal service by privatizing it. Maybe that's what we should do with our Postal System AND our health care.

You have to laugh to keep from crying.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Major Hasan Violated his Oath to Serve

I just read two good articles relevant to the Jihadist attack at Fort Hood; The first by Chuck Norris and the second by Ann Coulter. Both point out that the Jihadist ideology is dangerous and our PC attitude readily enables the adherents. It is even worse when we allow this in our military.

It is clear that Major Hasan violated his oath to defend the Constitution long before he murdered 13 people. Perhaps that should be an annual test for all armed forces personnel; "Do you still stand by your oath?" If not, they should be discharged. But what if they benefited from a paid education? Perhaps they should pay it back. If it is clear they lied in the first place, there should be a punishment of some kind. However, we do not want them around our troops.

If the 3500+ Muslims in our military can adhere to their religion, support their oath, and comply with the UCMJ, then I thank them for their service. If they cannot, we should heed Major Hasan's warning and get them out. We cannot continue to hide from this destructive ideology. This Major was blatant, he didn't try to hide anything. I guess you don't have to hide anything if the Brass are not watching anyway.

Major Hasan should get the death penalty. How about death by injection of pigs blood?